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Entries from Gothamist tagged with 'Or I'

May 17, 2007

When you visit Tao Lin's Reader of Depressing Books , you really get to know Tao Lin, which makes reading his debut novel, Eeeee Eee Eeee, a much more interesting affair because it goes from being a novel written by some guy to being a novel written by someone you know. And in this interview you'll get to know a little more about Tao Lin, and then you can read Tao's thoughtful and interesting post......

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June 24, 2004

I live about an hour outside the city, and I frequently take the train in on my days off from work. Occasionally, however, I drive, and as much as it humiliates me to admit this, I'm still somewhat confused by all the "no parking" signs and rules. I know about driveways and fire hydrants and all that, but occasionally I'll see a "no parking" sign with cars parked all around it. Or I'll get......

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May 2, 2003

For about the 10th or 20th time, it was suggested that I try speed dating, aka 3/6/8 minute dating, aka my greatest fear. Why a fear? I don't know if 8 minutes is enough for my charms to start working, let alone 3 minutes. But it might just be time to face the fear and try something like HurryDate. It'll make a good post, at least. Or I could take advantage of Aaron's limited time......

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